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Review - 2018 Summer Course Week 3

Updated: Mar 25, 2023

The topic discussed in week 3 was around art. During the week we explored the purpose of art and introduced numerous methods of creating art to the students. Students' appreciation of art was explored and the types of art they liked and didn’t like were discussed. Some of the students discovered that they enjoyed and had a talent for certain types of art but disliked other types of art. Sound art was the least popular amongst the students.

On the first day the students had a brainstorm session to explore ideas around what art really is and what art is for. We lead students to explore the illustrations in storybooks we had in the school library and discussed which they thought were the most creative. In teams students then started preparations of planning a new book and how they could use the concept of the book to help with their own creativity.

On day two students were introduced to Jackson Pollock, an American painter who was famous for his abstract impressionist paintings. A short video was shown to students and thoughts were discussed. Like Jackson Pollock’s paintings opinion of the quality of his work was divided. Some liked it, others didn't so much. Students then had an attempt at making their own ‘Jackson Pollock’ having their eyes closed and using pencils. We are sure you would agree the art the students produced was very good.

Later in the afternoon we discussed symmetry with students and the design of patterns. Students were introduced to Yayoi Kusama, a Japanese artist who is well known for her sculptures and installation pieces. Students discussed her work, notably it was better received than that of the previous artist. Students were than asked to design their own patterns using 12 frames. Following this students introduced their patterns to each other and recommended where they could be used. E.g. on plates, sweet wrappers or on table tops etc…

On the third day students were introduced to more abstract types of art. These were sound art and performance art. During the day students listened to various different pieces of sound art and were asked to give their opinion on it. Students were also shown different pieces of performance art and they were discussed amongst the group.

On day 4 origami was introduced to the students, the class discovered practical uses of origami by NASA and were introduced to a number some very creative origami artists. Students were then given the opportunity to create origami animals. The students then had the task of making a project together in which they had to create enough origami butterflies to fill the classroom wall.

On the final day of the week, students were shown various pieces of graffiti art around the world and the impact of it on our cities was discussed in detail. Students were also introduced to architecture, lots of beautiful and interesting buildings were shown and discussed with students. As the final task students were asked to plan their own city again and think of the needs of the people who could potentially live in them.

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