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2022/07 updated

1. 契約審閱權&契約生效日 The Right of Reviewing Contract/The Effective Date


This standard form contract (hereinafter referred as “The Agreement”) has been reviewed by the parents/students (X). When the registration information is handed in, the agreement is effective immediately.

2. 立約人 Parties

家長/學生 Parent/Student (以下簡稱甲方 Hereinafter referred to as “X”
本短期補習班The Cram School(以下簡稱乙方 Hereinafter referred to as “Y”


3. 課程內容與時數 Course Content and Learning Hours


All the classes are run for two hours a week with flexible learning content along the class performance.

4. 無開設保證班 No Warranties


English Magpies makes no promises or warranties with regards to a student’s performance as a result of any tutoring provided. It is understood that language is primarily developed through practice and its use, tutoring is supplementary to this process.

5. 師資 The Teachers



Y shall not change teachers occasionally. Under the circumstances that the adaptation needs to happen, Y shall only employ a teacher with the same ability or more proficient skills.

If Y needs to change the lesson deliverers, only 1/3 of the original teaching members can be altered. However, Y employed less than 2 teachers, only 1 teacher can be changed.

6. 上課地點 The Location



Y shall deliver the lessons in the classroom at the registered address.

The registered address is: 1F, No. 260, Sec. 2, Min Quan Rd., Yilan City, Yilan County. However, if encountering the suspension of water and electricity supplies, or unpredictable disasters, Y can change the location of the lessons.

7. 上課人數上限及合班 The Maximum Number in a Lesson & Merging Classes





For providing delightful learning environment and teaching quality, Y shall not fill X’s class with more than 16 people. However, the common subjects are not bound with this rule since Y has notified X when The Agreement signed, under the condition that the size of the classroom shall not be against the law.

If the amount of students in X’s class does not reach 2/3 of the set-up maximum students number, Y can merge X’s class with others after consent. The student number in the merged class shall not be more than 16.

However, if X disagrees Y merging or postponing the class, Y shall provide X refund.

8. 課程補償 Lesson’s Compensation


Once X gets a refund from Y due to a day off, Y does not have to provide any supplementary lesson. If both X and Y have got time to do a catch-up lesson, which will not be more than 20 minutes, there is not a refund provided. The content of the supplementary lesson is the key points of the lesson that X missed.

9. 收費手續 Fee-collection Related Content

(1) 繳交項目及金額 Payment contents and fee
                a. 繳費總金額將於每月開出明細。 Total amount will be listed monthly.
                b. 繳費項目未明列者,乙方不得向甲方收取。 Y shall not charge X with unlisted contents.
                c. 因繳費上課而獲得之贈品(價值不得逾繳費總金額20%),於契約終止或解除時,乙方不得向甲方請求返還該贈品,亦不得向甲方主張應自返還之費用金額當中,扣除該贈品之價額。乙方以贈送修業期限為內容而簽訂契約者,應將各該期限合併納入契約範圍。
                    Y shall not ask X to return the present, the value of which shall not exceed 20% of the total amount of the bill, are received by X due to the payment for the lessons. Y also shall not claim that the value of the presents will be reduced from the refund. If Y provides extra period of time for the lessons  for free, as a gift, when The Agreement signed, it shall be included in The Agreement.


(2) 繳費方式 Payment methods
                按月繳納。 Pay monthly.


(3) 試聽機會 Sit-in opportunity 
                Y shall provide X sit-in opportunity with any formation.


(4) 收據 Receipts
                Y shall provide an official electronic receipt for X after receiving a payment. The receipt will be sent with the fee collection notice in the next month.

10. 退費手續 Refund Related Content

(1) 退費條件 Refund conditions
                After X registers with Y, before the start date of the course, X decides to cancel the lessons. Y shallreturn 90% of the payment. If X participates less than 1/3 of the lessons, the returned fee shall be 50% of the payment. If X receives more than 1/3 of the lessons, no fee shall be refunded.


(2) 退費期限 Refund deadline
                 The refund process shall be completed 1 month after both parties agreed the payment methods and dismiss of The Agreement. If there’s any other rule benefiting the consumers, it shall be followed.

11. 甲方有下列情形之一者,乙方得終止契約 Once X has one of the listed behaviours, Y shall terminate The Agreement

(1) 甲方於補習期間無故缺席超過總時數1/3者。
X is absent more than 1/3 of the learning hours during the course.


(2) 甲方有互毆、竊盜、或其他違法行為,經乙方查明屬實,情節重大。
X engages in serious behaviours e.g. fighting, stealing or other illegal movements after Y proves it.


(3) 甲方經查有吸毒、販毒、或運送毒品行為。

X uses drugs, sells drugs or delivers drugs.


(4) 甲方若有任何影響同學學習之行為,如:上課無法守秩序、損害同學信心、或鼓吹同學放棄任何練習。X has the behaviour that influences the classmates’ learning, including not being able to obey the instructions, damaging one’s confidence, or provoking any thoughts about giving up practice in a negative way. 

Y shall inform X or X’s guardian if X is underage when X goes against the rules.

12. 甲方另外需遵守之規定 Other rules that X must obey

(1) 如需請假,請於至少24小時前告知。且,若只有部分學生需要請假,課程將依進度繼續進行,並不予以退費。無故未到者,English Magpies不會進行退費,也不會安排另外的課程。

The student may take a day off by giving at least 24 hours prior notice to English Magpies. Furthermore, if there’s only a small number of students notifying a day off, the course may progress as scheduled. There’s no refund that would be given. Once the student is absent without any reason  or notice beforehand, English Magpies has the right not to provide a refund and a rearranged lesson.


(2) 遲到者失去的時間將不會被補償。
Any lost time due to the late arrival of the students will not be compensated for by extending a lesson or arranging a different date.


(3) 學生不應阻斷及影響其他學生的學習和教師授課過程。
Students are obliged not to engage in conduct which is so disruptive as to infringe upon the learning of other students and the teaching of the tutors.

(4) 學生應尊重同學及師長並給予尊嚴。

Students are obliged to treat the tutors and their fellow students with dignity and respect.

(5) 學生不應有破壞教室內物品之行為。
The students are obliged to look after the fabric of the classroom and not engage in any destructive behaviour that may result damage to the classroom or its contents.


(6) 學生在上課時應照顧自己的健康及安全。
The students are obliged to look after their health and safety during the course of the session.


(7) 學生應在課堂外執行建議的練習或閱讀,以協助課堂內容的學習。
It is the students’ obligation to undertake any suggested additional reading/practice outside of the classroom in order to assist and expedite the students learning.


(8) 學生及家長不應將所分享的資料傳給其他人。
Students and parents mustn't share the files from Y with other people.

13. 乙方有下列情形之一者,甲方得終止契約,並要求乙方退費 Once Y has one of the listed behaviours, X shall terminate the Agreement

(1) 乙方申請停辦,或經主管機關為停止招生或廢止設立之處分者,應按處分後賸餘課程時數比例退還當期開班已繳費用予甲方。
Under the condition that Y ends their teaching with a legal process, or the administrative
department discipline Y to stop registering more students or abolish the establishment, Y shall return the money to X for the rest of hours after the disciplinary.


(2) 教室經政府機關公共安全檢查列為危險建築物勒令停止使用者,依尚未上課時數核算應退還費用予甲方。
If the classroom and the building have any risk of the public safety, the administrative department can force Y to stop the cram school. Y shall provide the refund of the rest of learning hours to X.

14. 資料保護 Data Protection


Y shall keep confidential all information of X and shall contact other parties involved in the education of X only if given written permission by X to do so.

15. 疑義之處理 The Resolution of Questions


If there’s any doubt or questions about each clause of The Agreement, the Consumer Protection Law shall be followed.

16. 未盡事宜之處理 Unfinished Business


If there’s any unfinished business in The Agreement, both parties shall follow the connected law, customs and sincere to fairly solve any problem.

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